How Much Does a CT Rental Cost

How Much Does a Mobile CT Rental Cost?

Facilities across the country choose to utilize a mobile CT rental for a number of reasons. The most common use is during  renovations or upgrades to allow for uninterrupted service, or in warmer regions of the country to support increased seasonal volumes. An increasing trend is to utilize a mobile CT rental in order to offer newer technologies when the facilities budget doesn’t allow for a large capital investment, but the local market is dictates a move in that direction. when circumstances like these arise, a mobile ct rental might not only be the best solution to keep your schedule and goal intact while your other ct scanner projects are in progress, but also  allow you to offer enhanced services to keep your facility relevant in your market.

Are you interested in renting a mobile CT now? Click here to submit a rental request. 

Why A Mobile CT Rental?

Mobile CT Rentals are perfect for many reasons, especially:

During construction-While your current CT suite is undergoing renovations, a mobile CT rental will help you keep up with your cases. Your patients and providers won’t miss a beat.

During seasonal influxes- Many facilities in the south and southwest suffer from seasonal overload. A mobile CT rental can trim that backlog down.

If you need to test your market- The ROI models look promising, but you aren’t entirely sure the referral base you’ll need will truly be there. A mobile CT can give you a “trial run” and helps you determine if making an investment in a fixed site CT will be a good long term investment for you.

If you need new technologies to stay relevant- The facility down the road added “next generation” technologies and your previously steady referral base is now being redirected to that facility. The issue is that you don’t have the budget to make the technological leap.  A mobile CT rental can help you bridge that void, while avoiding the capital expenditure.

How Much does a Mobile CT Rental Cost?

There are a number of variables that can affect the cost to rent a mobile CT, but the two key elements are level of technology andthe length of term.

Two Week Term – $15,000.00 to $29,000.00

Monthly-$18,000.00 to $39,000.00

Yearly or multi year-  System availability and commitment length play a large role in determining rates on yearly or multi year placements. You will generally receive a discount on the monthly rate dependent on the level of technology.

Ready to rent

If your ready to explore a mobile CT rental , just use our easy CT Rental request form at